Existence of a Well-equipped library is the pinnacle of the Educational Institution. Air conditioned facilitative for academic environment with sophisticated infrastructure provided with separate reading room and separate reference section also. As such our college has general library lending Educational service to the students and the faculty members. It has a number of books, Journals, Periodicals and Text books. The library has good collection of books English, French, Tamil, Mathematics, Computer science, Education, Research Methodology, Women's Education, Environmental Studies, Value Education, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and especially Teaching of subjects and General studies. It has been automated and provides circulation system on OPAC. The library provided accessibility to various E-Resources for the Well-being of faculty members and Students.
The library possesses books for all competitive exams for the reference of the student. It upholds separate collection of Reference books, Back volumes of Journals, Technical reports for Educational surveys, NUEPA Analytical Repots, NCERT books and also subscribes Periodicals both national and international editions, our major aim is fulfill the need of students and faculty research efficiency
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